Breast Cancer Awareness Month
This October, help VPFW raise awareness, donations, and spirits in the fight against breast cancer – plus have a chance to win great prizes in our Pink Purse Raffle! #MammogramsSaveLives
Every October, VPFW promotes Breast Cancer Awareness Month and charities that support the fight against breast cancer, spreading the word that #MammogramsSaveLives. As women’s health providers, we know that educating our patients about breast health and providing access to routine screening mammograms saves lives by detecting breast cancer earlier, when it is more treatable. We also believe in supporting local organizations that are funding breast cancer research, raising spirits, and helping to build awareness of this disease that affects one in eight women by age 75.
Check out VPFW’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month activities below to find out all the ways you can participate with us – and have a chance to win great prizes up to $2,200 in value! (All activities marked with a 👛 are ways to enter our Pink Purse Raffle!)
Free Mammograms for Uninsured Women during October (Spots Limited)
VPFW supports breast health for all women. During Breast Cancer Awareness Month (October), we are offering a limited number of free mammograms to women who are uninsured. Free mammogram appointments can be made at the following VPFW locations:
- St. Francis
- Prince George
We thank Radiology Associates of Richmond for partnering with us to read these free mammograms pro bono.
Spots are limited, so please call us to schedule today!
If you are uninsured, call 804-897-2100 to check availability and schedule a free mammogram in October.
You can also check out our partnership with Reach Our for Life, which provides free mammograms for women in need, all year around.
October ThermiVa Special: 15% off for Breast Cancer Survivors
ThermiVa is a painless vaginal rejuvenation treatment that is a wonderful option for breast cancer survivors because it is non-hormonal. We are offering a special during Breast Cancer Awareness Month for breast cancer survivors who would like to try ThermiVa. Breast cancer surivors will receive 15% off the initial treatment (3 sessions) if you call us during the month of October to schedule your treatment.
Call 804-897-2100 through October 31 to schedule your initial ThermiVa treatment and get 15% off when you complete your payment by the end of the year.
PINKOUT with VPFW and spread awareness that #MammogramsSaveLives👛
Join VPFW by wearing pink from your head to your pinky toes during Breast Cancer Awareness Month (October) to help us spread awareness about breast cancer and remind women that #MammogramsSaveLives. While you’re at it, post a pic of you in your pink, tag VPFW on Facebook or Instagram, and use hashtag #MammogramsSaveLives to be entered in our pink purse raffle! Learn more below.
Donate Caps for Cancer and Cards for a Cause 👛
Caps for Cancer and Cards for a Cause are initiatives started by VPFW patient Suzie Adams to collect new or homemade hats, scarves and uplifting greeting cards for patients at local cancer treatment centers. We collect items at all VPFW locations throughout October, and everyone who donates gets entered into our Pink Purse Raffle (see more below).
*Hats must be brand new or handmade and placed in a sealed ziplock bag due to low immune systems of the patients receiving them.
Join us for the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk, Saturday, Oct. 19 👛
VPFW is a proud sponsor of the American Cancer Society’s Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk again this year. The walk starts at Monroe Park on Saturday, October 19. Join our team, walk the 5K course with us, and/or help us raise money to support this important cause in support of breast cancer patients, survivors, and research, and in honor of those we have lost.
Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk
Monroe Park
620 West Main Street
Richmond, VA
FREE to sign up and walk with VPFW!
Join the VPFW Making Strides Against Breast Cancer team >
Donate to Virginia Breast Cancer Foundation 👛
Every year, VPFW raises donations for Virginia Breast Cancer Foundation – an organization that supports breast cancer research and advocacy for families in Virginia who are impacted by breast cancer. Donate to our fundraising page by Oct. 31 to be entered in our Pink Purse Raffle. (See more below.)
Donate to Virginia Breast Cancer Foundation >

Pink Purse Raffle: Enter for a Chance to Win Amazing Prizes!*
VPFW is proud to support the Virginia Breast Cancer Foundation, the American Cancer Society’s Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk, and Caps for Cancer and Cards for a Cause. Read on to learn how you can have a chance to win amazing prizes in our Pink Purse Raffle by helping us support these organizations!
4 Ways to Enter the Pink Purse Raffle:
- Post a photo of yourself in pink and tag VPFW on Facebook or Instagram with hashtag #MammogramsSaveLives by Oct. 31 = 1 raffle ticket (If your account is private, send a screenshot of the post with tags to to be entered!)
- Donate one greeting card, hat or scarf for Caps for Cancer and Cards for Cause at any VPFW office by Oct. 31 = 1 raffle ticket
- Join our Making Strides Against Breast Cancer team and walk Sun., Oct. 15 at Libbie Mill = 1 raffle ticket
- Donate $5 to Virginia Breast Cancer Foundation (online only) by Oct. 30 = 1 raffle ticket
Prizes (up to $2,200 in value!)
Pink Purse Raffle Prizes:
- VPFW pink purse gift basket valued over $150 (win one of 6!)
- $25 Target gift card from Dabney Orthodontics (win one of 2!)
- $25 Gift card to Bark & Sparkle dog wash & grooming salon
- $25 Gift card to The Grill at Waterford (win one of 4!)
Prizes for First 10 “Top Donors” (donated by Daniel Butler Portraits and Magical Children Portraits):
The first 10 donors – those who donate a minimum of $200 to VPFW’s fundraising page (either for Virginia Breast Cancer Foundation or for our Making Strides Against Breast Cancer team) OR donate 30 or more cards/hats/scarves to Caps for Cancer and Cards for a Cause – will win one of the following two prizes, their choice! These prizes are generously donated by Butler Portraits and Magical Children Portraits:
1. Exclusive Fine Art Portrait Experience – $2,000 Certificate
The experience includes:
- 15-20 poses in Butler Portraits’ State-of-the-Art Indoor Studio – Formal Portrait Complimentary Session ($200.00 value)
- An Individually Handcrafted 14″ Linen Finish Renaissance Portrait with Full Artistry ($2,000.00 value)
- Your $2000.00 Credit may also be used towards Wall Display Portraits including our exclusive Butler-commissioned hand-painted oils!
May be used for Indoor Formals of Family or Bridal. May not be gifted or combined. A fully refundable retainer is necessary to hold appointments. Perfect for the heirloom pieces you will treasure for generations.
2. Magical Children Portrait Experience – $2,000 Certificate
The adventure in the Butler Portraits’ whimsical wonderland and fairyland forest includes:
- Priceless portrait experience valued at $200
- A 14-inch linen finish portrait valued at $2,000
- A collection of enchanted props and fairy-tale outfits from which to choose
- 15-20 unique poses set as storybook pages of the magical moments
- A musical revisit of the fun in our showroom theater.
- Your $2000.00 Credit may also be used towards wall display portraits including our exclusive Butler-commissioned hand-painted oils!
May be used for Magical Children Portraits. May not be gifted or combined. A fully refundable retainer is necessary to hold appointments.
Schedule Your Annual Mammogram
Last but not least, don’t forget to schedule your annual screening mammogram at our Koger Center, St. Francis, West Creek, or Prince George locations! October is a popular month for mammograms, so you may need to schedule further out. It’s also a great time to remind the women in your life that #MammogramsSaveLives.
To schedule your annual mammogram, call us at 804-897-2100 or set an appointment online.