Obstetric Care

Approved Treatments For Minor Discomforts In Pregnancy

The following treatments are approved for minor discomforts during pregnancy:

Allergies or sinusitis
  • Saline nasal spray
  • Flonase nasal spray
  • External nasal dilator strips
  • Zyrtec, Claritin or Benadryl
Back pain For lower back pain and pelvic floor pressure, try using a maternity belt.
Cold Rest and stay hydrated. Avoid pseudoephedrine and phenylephrine. You can use cold medicines containing phenylephrine if not in your first trimester and no blood pressure issues.

  • Vitamin C
  • Coricidin
  • Saline nasal spray
Constipation Get plenty of exercise and drink sufficient quantities of liquids. Eat plenty of bran foods, fruits, and veggies. Prunes are also a natural laxative and may be eaten raw, stewed, or as a juice.

  • Colace (docusate)
  • Glycerin Suppositories
  • Magnesium citrate (1 bottle)
  • Milk of Magnesia
  • Miralax
  • Non-medicated cough drops
  • Dextromethorphan
  • Guaifenesin
Cramping Occasional menstrual-like cramping is common in early pregnancy. If cramping persists, becomes severe, or becomes associated with bleeding, contact our office.

  • Increase water intake
  • Tylenol
  • Warm bath
Dental work Inform the dentist of your pregnancy, especially if there is a need to prescribe medicine.

  • Novocain or Xylocaine (without Epinephrine)
  • Xrays may be taken if abdomen is shielded
  • Imodium
  • BRAT diet (bananas, rice, applesauce, toast)
Exercise Pregnant women are encouraged to exercise, though you should avoid contact or high-risk sports. If bleeding or cramping occurs, increase water intake and decrease activity. Do not use hot tubs or saunas.
Exposure to rubella, chickenpox or shingles Contact our office at 804-897-2100 and select Option 2 to speak with a phone nurse.
Fever You may use regular or extra-strength Tylenol. If your temperature reaches 100.4 degrees or higher, contact our office. For ALL respiratory infections, rest in bed as much as possible, drink plenty of fluids, and use a vaporizer if available. If no improvement is noted in a few days, contact our office. You should also see your primary care physician.
  • Tylenol (regular or extra-strength)
  • Increase water intake
  • Mylanta gelcaps
  • Rolaids
  • Tums
  • If the above do not help, then try Prilosec or Pepcid
  • Avoid gas-producing foods, large meals, and fatty foods
  • Chew gum after each meal
  • Avoid constipation
  • Do not strain
  • Take 15-minute warm sitz baths 3-4 times/day
  • Lie on left side with feet elevated as often as possible
  • Preparation H or Anusol cream
  • Tucks pads
Lower extremity swelling or varicose veins
  • Hydrate with water
  • Elevate feet over level of heart
  • Avoid salts and sweets
  • Wear compression socks
Morning sickness
  • Vitamin B6 (50 mg three times daily) and doxylamine (25 mg at night)
Paint and chemicals Do NOT expose yourself unnecessarily in non-ventilated areas to paint, strong cleaning agents, or solvents. Read all directions and warnings on products carefully.
Poison ivy, poison oak, and skin rashes
  • Benadryl
  • Caladryl
  • Cortaid
Sore throat
  • Chloraseptic lozenges
  • Chloraseptic spray
Spotting or bleeding Spotting after intercourse or after a pelvic exam is normal. If bleeding worsens, call our office and select Option 2 to speak to a phone nurse.
Travel Please discuss travel plans with your physician. Flying is not recommended after 35 weeks for routine pregnancy, and travel in the last four weeks of pregnancy is generally not advised. Avoid heavy lifting, including anything as heavy as a suitcase. If you are traveling, plan frequent stops (at least every 2 hours), walk around for a few minutes to reduce the risk of blood clots, and make sure to drink plenty of water. Before you make travel plans, refer to the CDC.gov website for up-to-date information on areas at risk for Covid-19 and/or the Zika virus.
Urinary tract infection If you experience any symptoms of a UTI, including foul odor or burning with urination, call our office at 804-897-2100 and select Option 2 to speak with a phone nurse.
Vaginal discharge and yeast infection An increase in vaginal discharge is normal during pregnancy. If there is burning, itching or a foul odor, contact our office at 804-897-2100 and select Option 2 to speak with a phone nurse. If you have a yeast infection, you may use Gyne-Lotrimin or Monistat. Use the 7-day treatment.