Obstetric Care

Preconception Services & Advice

Talk with an OB/GYN about how to optimize your fertility health and prepare for pregnancy. Call us at 804-897-2100 or set an appointment online.

Schedule a Preconception Appointment in Richmond, VA

Starting a family is a very exciting, yet overwhelming time.  Your mind is likely floating with hundreds of questions related to pregnancy, preconception care and when to schedule your preconception visit in Richmond, VA. 

In the months leading up to getting pregnant, you can start to make healthier lifestyle choices to prepare your body to carry a baby. . 

Meeting with a healthcare professional to discuss your current state of health is advised. Your care provider can help you make decisions to prepare your body for pregnancy and increase your chances of having a healthy outcome. 

From preconception diet and general recommendations to how to reduce the risk of birth defects, our Richmond, VA preconception care providers will help you feel comfortable and confident as you begin your journey to pregnancy. They will also offer advice on how to improve your chances of conceiving. 

What to Expect at Your Preconception Care Checkup

A preconception visit may include a physical check-up, but it’s mainly an opportunity to talk with your doctor about your personal fertility outlook and potential roadblocks. Your OB/GYN can help you optimize your and your partner’s preconception health and help identify your optimal times for conception.

Physical Examination

At our offices throughout Richmond, VA, a preconception doctor visit may include a physical examination that includes a pelvic exam, pap smear, and blood tests to check your blood type and also identify any nutritional deficiencies. Your OB/GYN may also prescribe screening tests for sexually transmitted infections like genital herpes and other conditions that could affect your pregnancy.

Besides a preconception checkup, you can expect to discuss the following at your preconception visit:

Medication Adjustments

Your doctor will ask you about any birth control or other medications you’re on. Depending on the method of contraception you are using, they will discuss when to stop, as some methods are known to have a delay in the return to fertility after stopping.

Be sure to inform your provider about all the medicines you’re taking, not only the over-the-counter or prescription medications for chronic ailments but also ones that may seem inconsequential.  These could include nutritional supplements, health tonics, vitamins, or herbal supplements. Some medicines increase the risk of birth defects, and it’s important your doctor has the whole picture so they can make recommendations to prescribe or replace any if required.

Management of chronic conditions or health issues

Chronic health ailments like diabetes, thyroid issues, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, or others may pose challenges during pregnancy. Your doctor will prescribe treatment to manage any of these or other chronic conditions, if applicable in your case, to increase your chances of conceiving and having a safe and healthy pregnancy.H4: Your family history and that of your partner

Family medical history may serve as an indicator of health conditions to watch out for. To get the complete picture of hereditary conditions on both sides, your doctor will inquire about your and your partner’s family health history. 

If either of you have a family history of Down’s syndrome or other conditions, your OB/GYN may recommend genetic preconception counseling in Richmond, VA.

Your menstrual cycle (length of cycle, irregularities, issues)

Any issues in your menstrual cycle timing as well as length are indicative of fertility problems or other potential challenges during pregnancy. Your doctor will inquire about the regularity of your period and whether you face any challenges during that time.

Ovulation tracking and timing of intercourse

In case you and your partner are having trouble conceiving, your provider will advise you on how to track your ovulation and time intercourse during the most fertile period according to your cycle.

Vaccination updates

Vaccinations are important to keep diseases at bay during pregnancy. If your doctor finds that you do not have the required vaccines or are not up-to-date with any, they will recommend the needed vaccinations, which may include Hepatitis B, chicken pox, rubella, and others.

Start Preconception Care Today

Remember: it’s never too early to start preparing for one of the most important phases of your life. Our OB/GYNs are here to answer your questions and look forward to helping you start this exciting journey with the complete preconception care you need to ensure the healthiest pregnancy possible.

To schedule a preconception visit with a VPFW OB/GYN, you can call us at 804-897-2100 or set an appointment online.