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VPFW’s 10 Most-Read Women’s Health Blog Posts of 2022


VPFW’s 10 Most-Read Women’s Health Blog Posts of 2022

If you’re a woman, you probably haven’t made it too far into any phase of womanhood without questions about women’s health. We get it…it’s complicated. The VPFW blog tackles women’s health topics that really matter to our patients at every stage of life – from questions we hear all the time to questions you might be too embarrassed to ask.

Which questions mattered to our patients the most in 2022? We dug deep into our web analytics to find out! Check out the 10 most-read VPFW blog posts of the past year. They weren’t all written in 2022, but they are all relevant enough to garner thousands of views. (One topic in particular must really resonate because it tops the list twice: #1 and #2 cover it from different angles, each with over 90,000 views so far this year!) Take a look at our list and then let us know – anonymously – if there’s something you’d like to see covered in 2023.

10. Women’s Health Questions You’re Too Embarrassed to Ask

Questions about women’s health can be uncomfortable or even embarrassing to ask your doctor in-person – so we asked for anonymous submissions, and Dr. Allison Giles answered (in her usual hilarious fashion)!

Read Women’s Health Questions You’re Too Embarrassed to Ask.

9. Perimenopause 101: What to Expect

No more cramping, no more tampons or pads, no more need for birth control. It sounds so magical. We wish it were that simple, but menopause doesn’t just happen overnight. Dr. Kimberly McMorrow shares some insights on perimenopause – the transitional period leading up to your last period – including when it might start, what symptoms you might experience, and how we can help you through it.

Read Perimenopause 101: What to Expect.

8. Becoming Pregnant In 2022: 4 Keys to Mind and Body Prep

Nutrition and wellness have always played a large part in fertility. Dr. Stephen Pound shares advice for getting into physical and mental shape for conceiving while factoring in the pandemic to family planning.

Read Becoming Pregnant In 2022: 4 Keys to Mind and Body Prep.

7. How Women’s Hormones Can Affect Their Sleep – And Tips for Improving It!

From monthly cycles to different stages in life, hormones can play a role in the amount and quality of sleep women get. Dr. Padmini Santosh looks at how to navigate these hormone fluctuations to get the best sleep possible.

Read How Women’s Hormones Can Affect Their Sleep – And Tips for Improving It!

6. Does ThermiVa Work? 8 Things to Know

Since women don’t often bring up concerns about their vulvovaginal health (we’re talking vaginal dryness, irritation, or painful intercourse, to name a few), they may not know there are options for relief. Nurse Practitioner Lauren Cook discusses one vaginal rejuvenation treatment called ThermiVa, including how it works, how long it takes to feel results, and why some women may not be candidates.

Read Does ThermiVa Work? 8 Things to Know.

5. Why it Takes Women 7 Attempts to Leave an Abusive Relationship – and How You Can Help

We share insights from Jane Clayborne, Director of Community Relations at The James House, a women’s shelter, and VPFW’s Dr. Cara Hartle, whose friend was tragically killed by her partner, on what it takes for women to leave an abusive relationship – as well as many reasons that hold them back.

Read Why it Takes Women 7 Attempts to Leave an Abusive Relationship – and How You Can Help.

4. Why Women Worry: How Hormones Affect Anxiety and What We Can Do About It

Dr. Rebecca Schnatz helps us understand female hormones and their effects on day-to-day life, including how they can contribute to our anxiety. She also shares some valuable tips for finding relief.

Read Why Women Worry: How Hormones Affect Anxiety and What We Can Do About It.

3. 7 Reasons Why Women Get More UTIs Than Men

If you’ve ever felt that burning sensation and frequent need to urinate, you’re not alone. Dr. Boyd Clary discusses anatomical differences and other reasons why women experience up to 30 times as many urinary tract infections as men. He also shares tips for prevention.

Read 7 Reasons Why Women Get More UTIs Than Men.

2. Odds and Risks of Pregnancy After 40

The average age at which women have their first child has increased over the last century for many reasons. Dr. Allison Giles discusses fertility rates and risks that come with being pregnant after age 40 for women looking to conceive at this age.

Read Odds and Risks of Pregnancy After 40.

1. Getting Pregnant at 40: FAQ’s and Tips for Optimizing Your Fertility Health

We are getting more and more questions about becoming pregnant over the age of 40. Dr. Shannon Brim addresses many of these questions, from when the decline in fertility begins to what challenges you might expect. She also offers advice and encouragement for those who are trying to conceive later in life.

Read Getting Pregnant at 40: FAQ’s and Tips for Optimizing Your Fertility Health.

Have a topic you’d like to see covered on the VPFW blog?

The goal of the VPFW blog is to cover women’s health topics our patients care about, but we need your help to learn what those topics are! Fill out the form below anonymously if there’s something you want to see covered on the VPFW blog, and feel free to search for topics we’ve already written about!

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Now you can anonymously submit a question or topic you'd like to see covered on the VPFW blog.

To schedule an appointment with a VPFW provider, you can call us at 804-897-2100 or set an appointment online.