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6 Ways to Be Healthier – Does Your Age Really Determine Your Diet?


6 Ways to Be Healthier – Does Your Age Really Determine Your Diet?

2019 is underway and we at VPFW hope that some of your resolutions are still intact!  If you have convinced yourself that you need to eat low fat “diet food” and force yourself into the gym five days a week, I am here to tell you that there is another way.  So often women are held to an impossible standard and an artificial picture of what “healthy” looks like.  We encourage you to love your body, embrace it, and learn to take care of it.  Everyone’s weight loss journey is unique to them; however, I do know what it feels like to struggle with my weight & self-image and to want to make a change.

My passion is to help women in our community change the way they view proper nutrition and find a lifestyle that is intuitive and sustainable.  I believe nutrition is at the center of many chronic illnesses and has a profound effect on wellness.  No matter what stage you are at in your journey towards a healthy lifestyle, we are here to help.

I am frequently asked, “What should I eat based on my age?”  While there are variations in your body, hormones, and metabolism at different ages, I will often make similar recommendations for women of all ages.  It is tempting to think that what your body needs at age 20 is different than what your body needs at age 50, but ,in many ways, it is similar.  Some of the ideas are basic and intuitive.  Others will challenge your traditional views of what is “healthy”.  I want to share with you what I have learned in hopes of simplifying the process and giving you confidence moving forward.  A diet rich in vegetables, healthy fats that include: salmon, fish, nuts, seeds, and olive oil, paired with a reduction in processed carbs/sugar seems to be what everyone needs!

My primary principles are:

-Reduce added sugars such as sweetened beverages, coffee creamers, flavored lattes, sweet tea, and juices.

-Reduce simple carbohydrates such as breads, pasta, rice, potatoes, chips, and crackers.

-Emphasize healthy fats at every meal including eggs, avocado, salmon, olive oil, full fat dairy, coconut, and dark chocolate.

-Practice a nighttime fast, typically stop eating at 8 PM.

-Seek out ways to be active 3-5 times a week. Do not go to the gym if it feels like a chore, but rather participate in yoga, kickboxing class, soccer in the yard, or whatever brings you joy!

-Lastly, sleep at least 6, but ideally 8 hours nightly.

I recognize that there are many ways to lose weight.  I believe that this is a lifestyle choice and it is more sustainable than anything else I have tried in the past.  Making this a priority now will have lasting effects on your health forever.  It will be challenging and it will require effort, but as my nurse often says, “no treat tastes as good as being healthy feels.”  We are here to encourage you and would love to help you along your journey.

If you want accountability and encouragement, come see us at VPFW.  We are committed to providing you with a cost-effective, safe, comfortable, non-intimidating environment in which to discuss nutrition and wellness.  While we will regularly address weight, our focus will be on more than a number.  Together, we will focus on how you can create a healthy lifestyle, develop a healthier attitude towards food, and identify and set attainable goals.

I am fortunate to have helped so many women achieve their goals and I look forward to helping you do the same!

To schedule an appointment with a VPFW provider, you can call us at 804-897-2100 or set an appointment online.