Preparing for Your Visit


When you have an ultrasound with us, a Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographer (RDMS) will conduct your exam, and one of our credentialed physicians will interpret the results.

Patient Instructions

  • Gynecological scan (virginal patients): Drink 32 ounces of liquid one hour prior to the exam for abdominal imaging.
  • Gynecological scan (all other patients): You will receive a transvaginal exam, and no preparations are required.
  • Obstetrical patients (first trimester): If you are receiving a transvaginal exam, no preparations are required. If you are getting a Nuchal Translucency screening, you need to drink 16-24 ounces of fluid one hour prior to your exam.
  • Obstetrical patients (second & third trimester): You will need to have a full bladder, which means you should drink 32 ounces of fluid prior to either your transabdominal or transvaginal ultrasound.

Please download our VPFW Imaging Acknowledgement Waiver for more information on our patient policy for ultrasound visits. You will be prompted to sign this form prior to your initial ultrasound appointment.