VPFW will be moving to a new patient electronic medical records and communication system in March.
Thank you for your patience as we get acclimated.



Dr. Partridge Announces Retirement


Dr. Partridge Announces Retirement

For all of us here at VPFW, it is bittersweet to share the news that Dr. Partridge is retiring in early April. We consider ourselves beyond fortunate to have had him here as a part of our practice for so long, and we wish him the best as he moves into the next well-deserved chapter of retirement. Below, in his own words, Dr. Partridge bids adieu to his patients and friends.

To My Patients and Friends,

With a sense of gratitude for the opportunity of a very long and very fulfilling career and of the opportunity to participate in the lives of countless wonderful women and their families, I will be retiring April 6 of this year.

The 43 years I’ve been a member of this practice have brought innumerable blessings to me—participating in the miracle of birth, helping patients plan families, working together to overcome health problems, planning preventative strategies for good health, being a shoulder to lean on when times were tough and someone to share your joy at the high points in life. I want you each to know how much I appreciate your support and friendship.

I’ve had a chance to say personal goodbyes to many of you over the last year. I’ll still be seeing patients through April 6, so I look forward to seeing some of the rest of you. For those whom I don’t get to see before I leave, please know that I wish you a long and happy life and great health through the future.

Virginia Physicians for Women is a stronger and better practice than ever and will continue to offer you excellent care. The many outstanding physicians in our practice are, in my judgment, the best in our specialty; they are all available to you. Records from my care are instantly and continually available to them.

My fond best wishes!

John Partridge, M.D.

To schedule an appointment with a VPFW provider, you can call us at 804-897-2100 or set an appointment online.